Monday, October 1, 2012

Inspired to Take Risks

It is amazing how much one can learn from just a few hours of research. While researching Walt Disney for my 10-10 I came to realize that he was more than just the man who started the Disney company. His life story and quotes can inspire generations of entrepreneurs and innovators.

Here are three quotes that show what kind of innovator Walt Disney was. They can help future innovators to push the envelope.

    • “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you more unique.” -Walt Disney     
    • “I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true.” -Walt Disney     
    • “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” -Walt Disney
The first quote basically tells you to be unique and like who you are. If you as an innovator keep that in mind you can offer your talents to the world and don't have to be worried about copying others. You can offer something to people that they have never seen or dreamt of before. Walt Disney pursued what he loved and was able to make a business out of it because he wasn't afraid of what others would say. 

The second quote, Disney tells you to dream and to take risks to make those dreams come to true. To be truly successful you have to take risks, without risk you will never achieve your greatest dreams. In his lifetime Disney had risked everything he had several times, while there were some great losses he always found a way to regain his losses. He created a new industry by taking advantage of new technologies. He wasn't afraid to take risk, therefore he was the first to mold the film industry into his vision. He was one of the first people to put cartoons on television, to have color cartoons, and a full length animated film. 

The third quote tells you that you still need to rely on others. It is not just the individual who executes a vision. 

From these three quotes, you can tell that Walt Disney was an innovator and entrepreneur. I was inspired by his story and quotes that you can make your dreams come true if you have the passion and bravery to take risks. The Walt Disney Company reflects his vision and message, by being the "place where dreams come true." Walt Disney truly has brought happiness to millions of families. I hope that one day I too can help many people and make their lives a bit more worth living. 

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