Thursday, October 25, 2012

We Want You to Know Us: How Clark can help educate perspective students

One of the biggest decisions one makes in one's life is where they are going to go to college, but with so many colleges out there how does one choose the one that is best for them? For many there is not enough time or it is not possible financially possible to visit every college they may be interested in. So, now the question that arises is how can colleges help perspective students get a feel for the college?

Blogs and videos are a good way to start. College websites are constantly improving. Many websites include blogs by enrolled students and videos. Clark does this through their Clark Diaries. This is something that perspective students can read to get a sense of the students and campus life of the university. Clark also has videos of students talking about campus life. Still blogs and videos won't give a perspective student the whole picture of what their time at that college would be like. A perspective college student won't ever know exactly how they will fit into the college because it is such a change in lifestyle. Clark tries to help students see how they will fit into the college by putting as much information as they can on the website and on pamphlets, brochures, etc. They also are very much integrated with social media, for instance they have a Facebook page made especially for accepted students. This gives accepted students a chance to connect with fellow accepted students before they actually commit to the school. Clark not only tries to reach out through media. Check out their visiting options they have posted on the website, such as lunch/coffee with a Clarkie. These visiting options are what will really show the perspective student what life will be like.

It is evident that Clark has already tried to give perspective students as much information as they can to make a good decision. What else can they do? Perhaps they can have more student videos that show what student life it like. These videos would have to be brief and insightful. A couple videos on what classes are like, dorm life is like, food, and clubs easily accessed on the main admissions page would help prospective students connect with current students. They could also have several schedules of the day and life of a Clarkie. They could also give students a chance to talk to professors before they come. One thing that I wasn't aware of much until I can here was that there are a lot of international students. I was at a slight disadvantage of getting a feel for campus life because I was unable to visit the campus before I chose this college. Through this experience I realize that the best way to get a feel for college life is to spend a day or couple going through the motions of college. Sleeping in a dorm, going to the cafeteria for meals, watching TV in the lounge, talking to professors, interacting with fellow students, going to classes, and finding social events to go to.

College is a whole new experience. Every college has a different atmosphere. Perspective students need to visit the colleges they are interested in and spend some time there to figure out if that is the place they want to spend the next few years of their life. A website helps, but it can't replace the actual experience of visiting a college.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Speaking for a Reason

Steve Jobs was born the year Dale Carnegie died. It is an interesting coincidence considering what each one has offered to the world of public speaking.

Carnegie was a lecturer and a teacher. Born in 1988, Carnegie grew up to be a skillful orator. He was inspired by those he heard speak, perform, and entertain during Chautauqua assemblies. He sharpened his own orating skills by joining the school debate team. While in college he worked on reciting speeches and improving his oratory skills. He was such a great public speaker that other students began paying him to train them. Because Carnegie was such a great speaker he had great success as a salesman. Carnegie began teaching public speaking classes at the YMCA. In his lifetime he published two very successful books titled Public Speaking and Influencing Men of Business (1913) and How to Win Friends and Influence People (1931). In short Carnegie spent his life teaching people how to speak.

Jobs was an innovator, inventor, and pitchman. He was the face of the Apple corporation. Apple products have revolutionized technology. Jobs had a great impact on the success of Apple products because of the way in which he was able to pitch the object. It didn't matter that he wore jeans and a black turtle neck, it was his enthusiasm, humor, and eloquence in his speeches that made all the difference. Check out his pitch on the iPad.

Jobs knew his products were great, so he was able to pitch that they were great. His passion in his speeches reflects his passion in the product.

Although Jobs and Carnegie both used their speaking talents for different reasons, they both influenced the people who heard them speak. Jobs and Carnegie both had experience as salesmen. In their speeches they were teaching the public about something particular. For Jobs it was Apple products, for Carnegie it was how to speak. It seems as though Jobs could have taken some of Carnegie's classes because Jobs'  seems to have followed the titled Public Speaking and Influencing Men of Business. Jobs and Carnegie had two very different reasons for the public speaking they did.

So, what is it exactly that made these two men such influential speakers? Both had a way with words. Both were not afraid to speak out. Carnegie constantly worked on improving his speeches. While Jobs may not have taken any formal classes on speaking, he continued to improve his speeches as he pitched, unveiled, and sold more Apple products. How can you take what these two great speakers did and apply them to your own speeches? Practice and also educate yourself on how to speak.

Here is a personal example of lessons I've learned from public speaking. I had prepared and run through my 10-10 speech on Walt Disney several times. I knew the information relatively well and had notes to guide me. When it was time for me to present, there were several technical difficulties, which made me nervous. Once the presentation was in place, I was unable to see the notes I had set up. Therefore, I had to speak from memory. It is a good thing that I had practiced several times, however, my presentation wasn't as good as I had hoped it to be. I repeated myself a few too many times and stumbled over some words. However from this experience I gained valuable lessons. One would be to stay calm, two know the subject matter very well, three to be prepared for the worst. If I had my notes on notecards I wouldn't have had to worry about the technical aspect. I am relatively good at giving speeches, but to become a better speaker I will follow Carnegie's and Jobs' example. They learned from the speeches they made and thought about ways to improve them. You too can take their lessons and apply them to your own speeches.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Inspired to Take Risks

It is amazing how much one can learn from just a few hours of research. While researching Walt Disney for my 10-10 I came to realize that he was more than just the man who started the Disney company. His life story and quotes can inspire generations of entrepreneurs and innovators.

Here are three quotes that show what kind of innovator Walt Disney was. They can help future innovators to push the envelope.

    • “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you more unique.” -Walt Disney     
    • “I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true.” -Walt Disney     
    • “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” -Walt Disney
The first quote basically tells you to be unique and like who you are. If you as an innovator keep that in mind you can offer your talents to the world and don't have to be worried about copying others. You can offer something to people that they have never seen or dreamt of before. Walt Disney pursued what he loved and was able to make a business out of it because he wasn't afraid of what others would say. 

The second quote, Disney tells you to dream and to take risks to make those dreams come to true. To be truly successful you have to take risks, without risk you will never achieve your greatest dreams. In his lifetime Disney had risked everything he had several times, while there were some great losses he always found a way to regain his losses. He created a new industry by taking advantage of new technologies. He wasn't afraid to take risk, therefore he was the first to mold the film industry into his vision. He was one of the first people to put cartoons on television, to have color cartoons, and a full length animated film. 

The third quote tells you that you still need to rely on others. It is not just the individual who executes a vision. 

From these three quotes, you can tell that Walt Disney was an innovator and entrepreneur. I was inspired by his story and quotes that you can make your dreams come true if you have the passion and bravery to take risks. The Walt Disney Company reflects his vision and message, by being the "place where dreams come true." Walt Disney truly has brought happiness to millions of families. I hope that one day I too can help many people and make their lives a bit more worth living.